Baker University

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This school appears in our ranking 20 Most Affordable Master's in Liberal Studies Degrees Online: Private College 2018.

Baker University is a private Christian university located in Baldwin City, Kansas. It was founded in 1858 as the first official university in the state, and it is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Baker University consists of four schools: the School of Nursing, the School of Professional and Graduate Studies, the School of Education, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Enrollment across all four schools has grown to more than 3,000 students. According to a 2016 U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard, graduates of Baker University earned higher salaries on average than their colleagues who graduated from other postsecondary institutions in the state. U.S. News & World Report ranked Baker University as the best regional private university in Kansas, and Baker also ranked 47 out of 150 of the top Midwest regional universities.

Baker University Accreditation Details

Baker University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools to award doctoral, master's, bachelor's, and associate degrees. The university first received accreditation in 1913, and it has continued to earn accreditation ever since. Several of the school's programs have earned specialized accreditation. For instance, the master's degree in nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, while the international business, business, and accounting majors are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. Accreditation is critical for a university as it allows students to transfer credits between schools, allows the school to seek federal financial aid for its students, and allows the school to understand areas in which it is succeeding as well as areas in which it needs to improve. The team looks at factors such as the quality and integrity of its faculty and academic programs.

Baker University Application Requirements

The application requirements for admission into an online graduate program at Baker University will vary depending on the program chosen. However, all online graduate students must submit a completed application for admission and pay a nonrefundable application fee. Other required documents include a current resume that documents work history, prior professional education experiences, and areas of professional growth as well as a one- to two-page essay that describes the student's professional and personal goals. Baker University also requires official transcripts from all previously attended institutions as well as three letters of recommendation, two of which should come from work or professional sources and one of which should come from an academic source. Applicants seeking admission into a master's degree program must also hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited United States university or college.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The exact tuition costs for an online master's degree at Baker University will depend on the program the student wishes to pursue. Prices per credit hour for the School of Professional and Graduate Studies range from $320 per credit hour to $670 per credit hour. Students seeking financial aid must complete the FAFSA to determine whether they meet the eligibility requirements for funding. In addition to receiving financial aid in the form of loans, scholarships, grants, work-study programs, assistantships, and money from private sources, Baker University also recognizes U.S. military and offers tuition discounts and other benefits from active-duty servicemembers, veterans, their spouses, and their dependents.

Online Master's Degrees Available

Baker University offers a number of high-quality online master's degrees to students who wish to earn a graduate-level degree without sacrificing their work and/or family responsibilities. The online courses offer students the flexibility to engage in coursework wherever and whenever it's convenient for them. Baker offers both individual online courses as well as full degrees that are earned entirely online.

Master of Science in Nursing

The Master of Science in Nursing program is designed to shape the next generation of healthcare professionals. The robust online curriculum integrates evidence-based nursing practices with advanced nursing theory. Graduates will apply these skills to careers in nursing administration and nursing education. Baker offers two tracks designed to fill a critical workforce need: Nursing Administration and Nursing Education. The Nursing Administration track prepares students to serve in a variety of managerial and leadership roles within the healthcare system. Students will develop skills in financial management, critical-situation analysis, employee management, team-building, personnel development, conflict resolution, and communication. Graduates will use resources available to them in order to analyze the healthcare needs of groups of patients as well as implement and organize the delivery of nursing services.

The Nursing Education track prepares nurses for the role of educator in staff-development or academic settings. The curriculum integrates education-focused courses, core masters-level concepts, and advanced clinical foundations in pathophysiology, pharmacology, and assessment. The education-focused courses provide an exceptional understanding of the best teaching practices, and the advanced practicum-focused and theory courses provide students with a solid foundation in the content areas they will teach.

Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration is a 33-credit-hour program that prepares students for the challenges and issues they will face in management positions. Students will learn to apply business knowledge in today's complex, dynamic business world, and they will acquire the skills necessary to succeed in leadership and collaboration. Students may earn the online MBA in 18 to 20 months; some students may finish in as few as 12 months. In addition to a standard MBA degree, students may choose from a number of concentrations designed to help them focus their study on specific areas of interest. Each concentration is a collection of four courses, three of which may be taken at the same time or after the MBA core courses. These concentration areas include Leadership & Organizational Change, Human Resources, Health Care Administration, and Finance.

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership

The 36-credit-hour Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership helps students develop the skills necessary to assume a leadership position, including social responsibility, critical thinking within ethical business practices, group problem-solving, organizational diversity, and innovative approaches to conflict negotiation and resolution. Students may earn their MAOL degree in 18 to 22 months if they take a full-time course load, and they may choose from concentrations such as Human Resources, Health Care Administration, and Finance. Required courses cover topics such as leadership and organizational behavior, leadership fundamentals, maximizing technology in organizations, corporate social responsibility and accountability, assessment of organizational performance, methods of inquiry for business decisions, sustainability for future success, and a leadership seminar.

Baker University website