The field of medicine is fueled by people wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. True medical pioneers take such current knowledge and practice, and try to offer improvements. Enjoy these TED talks in which real improvements and positive change to today's medical system are the key topics of conversation.
Catherine Mohr: Surgery's Past, Present And Robotic Future
Catherine Mohr is an esteemed surgeon and inventor. In this lecture, Mohr delves into the history of medical procedures. Subsequently, the robotic future is introduced and some very eye-opening procedures are demonstrated.
Atul Gawande: How Do We Heal Medicine?
Here, public health journalist and surgeon, Atul Gawande discusses our current broken medical system. After making a dark diagnosis, Gawande promotes a revolutionary way that medicine could be fixed forever.
Allison Hunt Gets (A New) Hip
This story begins with Allison Hunt discovering that she needed a new hip amongst a very flawed, Canadian medical system. Hunt explains how she conquered the two-year waiting list and alternatives to such system failings.
Abraham Verghese: A Doctor's Touch
Abraham Verghese puts forth a thought-invoking cause – keeping personal touch in medicine. With little doubt of the impersonalization taking place in medicine due to technology and robotics, Verghese lobbies for the continued inclusion of human-touch in treatment.
Alan Russell: The Potential Of Regenerative Medicine
In this intriguing lecture, professor of surgery and chemical engineering, Alan Russell explores the coming possibilities of "Regenerative Medicine." Largely unheard of, this new form of medicine is presented as the way of the future.
Daniel Kraft: Medicine's future? There's An App For That
Inventor and physician scientist, Daniel Kraft explores the possibilities of the future of medicine as we know it. Inventions, new methodologies, and new sciences occupy the scene in this inspiring glimpse to the future.
David Agus: A New Strategy In The War On Cancer
In this hopeful discussion, David Agus talks cancer treatment. The focus is on today's flawed approach in treatment, with a missing element of attention to individual cancer cell treatment. Agus promises better results with such a change in modern, popular treatment approaches.
Dean Ornish: Healing Through Diet
UCSF's own clinical professor, Dean Ornish talks diet and health. As a leading thinker in general illness, Ornish puts forth substantive information with regard to the deep connections between health and what we feed our bodies.
Eric Dishman: Health Care Should Be A Team Sport
Eric Dishman is a medical tech specialist and a survivor. In this intuitive presentation, Dishman discusses his unique experience as well as technological implications on future medicine, a change in technique, and idealized best practices.
Ernest Madu On World-Class Health Care
The Heart Institute of the Caribbean is just one product of the life-work of Ernest Madu. Here, Madu theorizes how today's current healthcare system could be greatly improved. The topics of regional and global healthcare collide in this provocative presentation.