National Louis University

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This school appears in our ranking: 10 Most Affordable Top Ranked Master's in Finance Online 2018.

Located in Chicago, National Louis University is a private college that was established in 1886. In addition to its location in Chicago, the school also operates other campuses in cities like Skokie, Lisle, Wheeling, and Elgin. There are also campuses in other states like Wisconsin and Florida, as well as an international location in Poland. There are around 4,800 students attending classes at National Louis University. The school was once a place to train teachers in early childhood education, and the school's original faculty created standards for educating teachers in the best ways to instruct preschool and kindergarten-age children. The school underwent several name changes related to its status as a school for instructing kindergarten instructors, but it would become known under its present moniker when it was named after the family who headed the effort to transition the school to a university.

National Louis University Accreditation Details

The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools has accredited National Louis University. The school also participates in the Academic Quality Improvement Program run by the Higher Learning Commission. Some programs at the school have specialized accreditation or approval. Certain programs in the College of Education are accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education for the purposes of licensing teachers and education professionals. Some of the business programs within the College of Professional Studies and Advancement have gained accreditation by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education. The National College of Education programs at National Louis University are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.

National Louis University Application Requirements

Applying to National Louis University begins with completing the online application or the mail-in application. The school encourages its students to apply online because it's faster and easier, but they do still accept paper-based applications. Students may even begin the application, save it, and finish it at a later time if they need to find information necessary to complete the process. After submitting the application, students can check online as to their application status. There are some programs at the university that have unique application requirements, and students should inspect the requirements of their chosen program to make sure they have submitted everything necessary. For example, the National College of Education and the College of Professional Studies and Advancement have special requirements.

Tuition and Financial Aid

For undergraduate students attending National Louis University, the full-time flat rate for tuition is $6,000 per term. Students who take less than 14 credits will pay $430 per credit hour while students who take more than 19 credits will pay the flat fee of $6,000 per term as well as $430 per credit hour for all hours over 19. First-time first-year students enrolled in the full-time daytime program will pay $9,990 per year for tuition. Graduate rates for tuition vary, but the majority of students in programs offered by the National College of Education will pay $685 per credit hour for the Master of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Education Specialist degrees. Students enrolled in the Doctor of Education program will pay $774 per credit hour. Students in programs within the College of Professional Studies and Advancement will pay $744 per credit hour, which is the same for all graduate and doctoral degrees.

Students at National Louis University have many opportunities to secure financial aid which may take the form of scholarships, grants, and loans, as well as military benefits, corporate discounts, or the Federal Work-Study program. Students may also qualify for the Graduate Assistantship Program or other, additional scholarship types. There are some opportunities to perform community service through agency partnerships. Students may wish to apply for merit scholarships which may provide anywhere from $500 to $4,000 for students in undergraduate and graduate-level work, and the school also hosts financial aid workshops to help ensure students fill out their complete financial aid applications.

Online Degrees Available

National Louis University offers students six different online master's programs from the College of Professional Studies and Advancement and three degrees from the National College of Education. The illustrious history of National Louis University and its education degrees means any one of the three online master's in education is an excellent choice for future teachers and leaders in education. Students may choose from a Master's in Early Childhood Administration Degree Online, a Master's in Learning Sciences Education Degree Online, or the Master's in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Degree Online. Students may even earn a doctoral degree with the Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership program.

Future students who are interested in becoming leaders in early childhood education programs may wish to investigate the opportunities granted through the Master of Education in Early Childhood Administration. The degree is for students who wish to receive instruction on advanced skills that will help them advance their careers, as well as those who already have a bachelor's degree. The program may allow a student to complete his or her degree in less than two years and is a convenient option for aspiring professionals due to its online delivery. Students may take this degree program on campus if they live in Florida or Illinois, or they may enroll online from any state.

Another option for online learning is the Master of Education in Learning Sciences Education. There are two majors within the Master of EducationProgram that include Learning Technologies for Teachers and Learning Technologies for Coaches. Students may also seek an Ed.S when they choose to major in Learning Technologies for Teachers. The curriculum includes classes like Introduction to the Learning Sciences and Technology, Designating Learning Experiences: Cognition in Socio-Cultural Contexts, and Educational and Design-based Research Methods. Students will also take Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, as well as Critical Educational Technology Issues in Historical, Philosophical, and Policy Contexts.

The final graduate degree option from National Louis University in education is the Masters in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. This degree is available on campus in Florida and Illinois or as an online degree program from anywhere in the country. Students may get their National Board Certification by taking specific classes in the program, or they can enroll in the program without seeking board certification. A few of the classes students will take include Social Justice Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of American Education and Perspectives and Administration of Educational Policy. Students interested in any of the online programs at National Louis University are encouraged to contact the school for more information.

National Louis University website