5 Great Websites for Agribusiness Professionals

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Websites for Agribusiness Professionals

  • USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
  • Forbes – Food & Agriculture
  • Food Business News
  • Taylor & Francis Online Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
  • Agricultural Marketing Resource Center

Modern agribusiness is a multi-faceted study that requires a lot of research, so this list of 5 great websites for agribusiness professionals will help you find the information that you need. These sites are packed with useful agribusiness information.

1. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

The United Sates Department of Agriculture releases comprehensive statistics for food production and sales through the National Agricultural Statistics Service website. This site can be hard to read with enormous amounts of data, but for serious agribusiness professionals, it's an invaluable resource of American agricultural sales, food costs and production information. The NASS website also reports current trends, track records and statistical histories. It breaks down the data with maps and charts. The NASS news releases focus on market values, market trends and production for numerous food industries. All the statistics are searchable by keyword, agricultural product, region and year.

2. Forbes – Food & Agriculture

While Forbes may not be the first name you'd think of for agribusiness websites, the Forbes website has a subdivision devoted to the business of food and agriculture. Forbes approaches agribusiness from the perspective of a corporation. Many of the articles focus on the industry giants, success stories, the latest trends in the food market and the influence of technology. It's a good site for the latest news, technological advances, business deals in the food industry and successful marketing tactics. Forbes reports on stories from all over the world. However, the information overwhelming leans toward the business side of agribusiness.

3. Food Business News

Websites for agricultural business often focus on a specific geographic region or favor certain industries. However the Food Business News website is global in its coverage of agribusiness news, and reports on a broad range of business, marketing, legal, production and industry trends. The site includes sections on business news, food safety news, consumer trends, regulatory news, financial performance, food service/retail, international, research and new product launches. It also has a list of food corporation profiles that can include interviews, profits, projected profits and plans for the company's future. The site's focus is on the larger corporations of agribusiness.

4. Taylor & Francis Online Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing

One of several journals on the Taylor & Francis Online site, the Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing online contains many years of research articles about successful promotion and market analysis in agribusiness. The articles are searchable by keyword, and can be grouped by the journal issue, the most recent articles, the most read articles and the most sited articles. The content is well-researched and highly educational and pertains to real-world events and situations. Topics include success factors for the food service industry, food quality and product export performance and a study of brand success in the food industry.

5. Agricultural Marketing Resource Center

Most agribusiness websites for professionals focus on international markets and corporate farming. The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center is more focused on smaller agricultural businesses and sustainable farming methods. The site offers market research, feasibility reports and pricing reports, and it has USDA reports and current agribusiness events. The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center website includes agricultural articles with topics like agritourism, biomass, forestry, fiber and vegetables. It also explains the basics of running an agricultural business and business strategy. This site is a good source of biofuel and renewable energy information.

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Modern agriculture requires business and market research. These 5 websites for agribusiness professionals provide statistics and news from the current agribusiness market that you can apply to real-world food industries.