5 Top-Paying MBA Degrees

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5 MBA Degrees with Top Incomes

  • Marketing Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Health Services Managers
  • Financial Managers
  • Operations Managers

Individuals who possess MBA degrees are currently in high demand, and for people who would like to break into the lucrative field of business, there are many paths they may choose to take. In fact, business graduates with master degrees can be found working in many different sectors from retail management and banking to education and health administration. Nonetheless, there are a few careers in this category that are worth examining, and they are described briefly in the following paragraphs.

1. Marketing Managers

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of both small and large businesses today. Because of this, it is essential that organizations employ professionals trained in all aspects of both business and marketing. Graduate students holding master degrees in business administration are perfect candidates for these positions. Marketing managers are responsible for many activities within organizations including researching current trends, estimating demand, identifying opportunities, and creating effective marketing plans.

2. Sales Managers

Other high-paying careers for persons with MBA degrees are those in the area of sales management. Since sales are crucial to any business' ultimate success, it is vital that organizations choose their sales teams carefully. Sales managers are responsible for creating and supervising the implementation of efficient training programs and sales procedures. However, they also work closely with marketing staff to devise new sales promotions, evaluate consumer needs, and analyze current trends in their targeted markets.

3. Health Services Managers

MBA students who are interested in joining the health care sector may want to consider careers in health service management. These top-paying positions are presently in very high demand, and they are increasing at a rate of around 20 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The main task of health services managers is to ensure that healthcare facilities comply with government regulations involving healthcare delivery. Depending on the size of the medical facility, these experts may manage an entire facility or simply a single department within the facility.

4. Financial Managers

For businesses to remain competitive in today's highly competitive landscape, it is essential for companies to employ the services of financial professionals. Typically, organizations favor candidates with MBA degrees to fill these positions. The tasks of financial managers may vary but they usually include such things as designing financial procedures, supervising cash management activities, assessing investment opportunities, and identifying methods to raise capital. Financial managers working for large companies may also be responsible for handling global transactions as well as mergers and acquisitions.

5. Operations Managers

Basically, operations managers are staff members whose jobs are to make sure that the organizations they work within run smoothly. They have a wide array of responsibilities that range from overseeing purchasing activities and maintaining inventory to creating organizational policies and ensuring proper coordination between departments within the company. Other duties of operations managers often include handling communications and negotiating contracts with clients, vendors, and associated businesses.

Related Resource: Top 30 Best Executive MBA Online Programs 2018

Graduate students who have earned upper-level degrees in business administration have many wonderful career opportunities today. Moreover, careers requiring master degrees in business administration provide excellent salaries, and the occupations described above are currently among the most popular and top-paying careers in the field.